Any idea or every ideal that you have before you
is the ideal for that moment.
There is great joy and satisfaction
in adhering to one's ideal.
The ideal is the means,
but its breaking is the goal.
You must have the courage
to shatter your ideals on the rock of Truth.
The ideal life is in following one's own ideal.
If there is anything in the world of which you can say
"I live for it,"
it is only one and that is the ideal
and when there is no ideal there is nothing to live for.
If a man does not live for an ideal what else does he live for?
Every step one takes in evolution changes one's ideal.
Man must have a perfect ideal
towards which he directs his activities.
The true ideal is always hidden
behind a man-made ideal which covers it.
The higher the ideal,
the greater the life.
The greatness of man
lies in the greatness of his ideal.
The greater the ideal, the greater the person.
The wider the ideal the broader the person.
The deeper the ideal the deeper the person,
the higher the ideal, the higher the person.
The ideal life is in following one's own ideal.
If there is anything in the world of which you can say
"I live for it,"
it is only one and that is the ideal
and when there is no ideal there is nothing to live for.
If a man does not live for an ideal what else does he live for?
Every step one takes in evolution changes one's ideal.
Man must have a perfect ideal
towards which he directs his activities.
The true ideal is always hidden
behind a man-made ideal which covers it.
The higher the ideal,
the greater the life.
The greatness of man
lies in the greatness of his ideal.
The greater the ideal, the greater the person.
The wider the ideal the broader the person.
The deeper the ideal the deeper the person,
the higher the ideal, the higher the person.
That which makes us esteem
those whom we esteem
is their ideal.
The highest ideal of man
is to realize the unlimited,
the immortal Self within.
The greatest and highest of all ideals
is the God-ideal.
those whom we esteem
is their ideal.
The highest ideal of man
is to realize the unlimited,
the immortal Self within.
The greatest and highest of all ideals
is the God-ideal.