
At very step of man's evolution his realization changes,
but there is a state where man arrives at the true realization,
a realization which is a firm conviction
that no reason or logic can change or alter.
Nothing in the world can change it any more,
and that conviction is called by the Sufis Iman.
The realization which is attained is
that there is nothing to realize any more.

The soul, drawn by the magnetic power of the divine Spirit,
merges into it with a joy inexpressible in words,
as a loving heart lays itself down in the arms of the beloved.
The intensity of the joy is so great
that nothing the soul has experienced in its life
has ever made is so unconscious of the self;
yet his unconsciousness of the self
becomes in reality the true consciousness of Self.
It is then that the soul realizes fully, 'I exist.'